Knightmare Live! The Phial of Freedom – a fan-made gamebook by Peter Pulsford
During the first lockdown Paul Flannery of Knightmare Live! fame) livestreamed the Knightmare gamebooks over Twitch. This inspired Knightmare fan Peter Pulsford to create his own Knightmare-inspired gamebook, The Phial of Freedom. After a short discussion, Peter requested that we make the PDF available on the website, and we agreed because it’s really bloody good!
Peter’s foreword for the book:
“This was written during the global pandemic 2020-2021, for the fans. I was a fan of Knightmare as a
boy and enjoyed the Knightmare Live show online in 2020. I loved the escapism, the world of
Knightmare, the characters, both in-world and in the community. I’ve played through the books and
wanted to write my own as a tribute.
This is for all the Knightmare Live fans, especially those stuck in the lockdown. Stay safe, stay home,
and remember it’s only a fan-fiction gamebook laced with in-jokes… isn’t it?”
Thanks to Paul Flannery, Keil Wilson, Claire Hall, Ada Yum and Tom Pulsford for their help”
– Peter “Krogg” Pulsford, 2021
The PDF of the book, which also features some fantastic artwork by Adrian Barber, can be viewed and downloaded by clicking on the image below (opens a new browser tab).